"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal."
Here at ARTS Education we have a careers programme in place that will help ensure that you become well equipped for the future and have the skills and information you need to make realistic and informed decisions about further education, training or employment.
When you leave ARTS Education you are likely to have some or all of the following options available to you. HERE is a helpful video to help you in your decision making process.

Further education at a COLLEGE OR TRAINING PROVIDER to follow a study programme, including Independent Specialist Colleges (ISC)
GETTING STARTED is page on the Local Offer Website that explains your options after 16.
A full range of post 16 options can be found on the Knowsley Local Offer website HERE

An apprenticeship is a way to gain the skills, knowledge and experience you need to get into many careers. They combine work, training and study, letting you ‘earn while you learn’. Apprenticeships are available across a range of areas.

Traineeship - Usually a 6 month programme made up of extended work experience working towards qualifications. A traineeship will normally lead to an apprenticeship or work.

Supported Internship – Supported Internships are a study programme for learners with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Learners will have a work placement and complete relevant qualifications alongside their placement.

Still not sure on what to do? - that's ok. Our school Careers Lead Marie can put you in touch with the right people for help and advice. You can reach out to Marie in school or emailing her at marie.g@artseducation.co.uk
You can also contact a qualified Careers Advisor via text / phone or webchat to discuss careers, courses and finding employment at www.nationalcareers.service.gov.uk
Not sure what career is best for you? Take part in this quiz HERE to help give you inspiration.

Be More – The Liverpool City Region’s Be More hub is the place to go for opportunities and information in our region. You can discover key information on Growth Sectors, see what apprenticeships are available, explore careers and find local support to get you on the pathway you want. BeMore – BeMore (lcrbemore.co.uk)

ARTS Education
167A Ormskirk Road
St Helens
WA11 8HR
TEL : 07749846945
School Office Number : 01744 638948
EMAIL : info@artseducation.co.uk
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