At Arts Education, we are committed to creating an inspiring and supportive environment for all our students. We believe that the key to achieving academic success lies in regular attendance.

Each day at school presents valuable opportunities for learning and personal growth, and being present allows students to fully engage with their education.

Unavoidable absences can disrupt a student's learning pattern, leading to gaps in knowledge and understanding. Therefore, we strongly encourage parents and guardians to ensure that their children attend school on time every day it is open. By prioritising consistent attendance, we can work together to nurture a thriving school community where every student can enjoy and achieve their full potential.

Let’s work together to make every school day count!

Parents play a crucial role in ensuring their children's success in education. They must:

  • Guarantee regular and punctual school attendance, contacting the school office by 09:30 on each day of absence via the school office on 07749846945, by emailing or by Studybugs.

  • It is essential to avoid taking holidays during term time

  • Parents are encouraged to cooperate with the school's attendance policy and support any interventions provided by the school or external agencies.

Students also hold responsibilities, such as:

  • Acknowledging the importance of good sleep hygiene and attending school consistently.

  • They should communicate with their parents or teachers about any issues that could impact their attendance.

  • Engage fully in any support or interventions offered.

By working together, ARTS Education, parents and students and can create a positive educational environment that promotes consistent attendance and overall well-being.

ARTS Education will help to support both parents and students by:

  • Provide a broad and balanced sensory curriculum.

  • Provide an encouraging, stimulating environment which helps to challenge and develop skills in a safe and encouraging way.

  • Rewarding and Recognising good attendance.

  • Keep parents informed about their child's attendance.

  • Create a supportive and welcoming atmosphere where students feel valued and motivated.

  • Provide students access to support around wellbeing to address any underlying issues that may affect attendance.

  • Implement strategies to address potential attendance issues before they become more serious.

You can find our schools attendance policy here