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At Arts Education, we value the input of our community and encourage feedback through parent surveys, emails, and comments. We appreciate all the feedback we receive and continue to work together with our families to keep improving our school.

Recently, we received some positive feedback from parents about their experiences. This feedback is important to us because it helps us understand what we are doing well and identify areas where we can improve. We are committed to providing the best possible education for our students and we believe that by listening to our community, we can achieve this goal. Thank you to all our families who have shared their thoughts, kind comments and ideas with us.

"My Sons mental health has improved considerably since joining ARTS. My son has a lovely set of friends, all the staff in ARTS are very supporting and go the extra mile to support my son."

"My Son feels very supported in all his lessons and his academic progress has come on in leaps and bounds, along with his confidence."

I am beyond proud of my daughters progress both academically but more important her wellbeing. We are so grateful she is finally in such a fabulous school where she is quite literally flying in every aspect.

ARTS is a safe haven for young people. Our daughter has settled in amazingly and we could not be happier

"Thank you for providing this wonderful school that is a safe place and enables young people to bloom. You have given us the most wonderful gift seeing our daughter happy in school."

"All of the ARTS team are truly dedicated to all of the pupils. They take the time to get to really know each individual and treat them as a whole person!"

"My son is now wanting to learn again and is enjoying it too! ARTS have opened doors to achieving and provide opportunities we thought would never happen."

"This team and school should be a role model for everyone. They don't leave anyone behind, totally inclusive and look after the families too! no problem is too big."

" Nearly a full school year completed with full time attendance and our daughter saying she LOVES school!

We honestly never could have imagined or wished for such leaps in her confidence, happiness, friendship, reduced anxiety and a love of learning.

What our daughter has achieved in such a small space of time is beyond all of our expectations, and it is all thanks to the support and dedication of all ARTS Staff.

We are so excited for her future at ARTS and all of the experiences this school offers.

This school model needs to be replicated all over the country! " - - parent of a student at ARTS Education

" I literally can't thank this school and each member of staff enough for what they have done, not just for my daughter, but for us as a family.

In the short few months since our daughter started her confidence has grown and continues to do so with each passing week, she comes home daily with a smile and filled with stories of her day.

When I first went for a visit, I was told it was just like a family and it truly is!!! Her reading has massively improved and her mental health couldn't be any better, which as a parent has always been my number one priority ❤️ best decision I ever made was walking through the doors to visit this amazing school! "

- parent of a student at ARTS Education

" I am forever grateful for my son getting a place at Arts. The staff are so caring and nurturing and nothing is too much trouble for them.
My son has made so many friendships here and has flourished and his self esteem has increased.
From day one my son felt the warm welcome from all the staff and is happy to go to school and is learning.
My son also started talking here at the age of 13 after previously never speaking in a school setting.
I can’t praise this school and staff enough!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"

- parent of a student at ARTS Education

" I just want to write in support of all the amazing hard work and support ARTS Education provide to the children and their families.

When your child has been repeatedly failed by a school and the system it is the most hardest fight and challenge to get the right support and help put in place. I felt I had lost this battle for my sons but then we found ARTS Education and life changed.

At ARTS Each child's differences are individually met and the child is nurtured as a WHOLE! Wellbeing is as important as academic education and if carried out in the way staff have delivered, we as parents and carers gain a child that wants to be included because they are accepted! That is the key to unlocking so many doors of opportunity and eventually will mean equality.

My sons have smashed goals and achieved more in the past 6 months with the ARTS team than I ever thought they would with what their past schooling experience has been... " I can't" is fast becoming "ill try" or " I can".

No problem is too big or too small and the safety and wellbeing for each child is paramount to each member of staff.

False Reports can be made and hearsay opinions given but your testament are the children who do come back each day to. you because they feel safe and nurtured.

We are lucky and found ARTS, every school should be benchmarked against this one. "

- parent of a student at ARTS Education

" Our daughter came from another SEN school were she was bullied, very little was done to address this resulting in a reluctance and sometimes outright refusal by our daughter to attend that school.

Since starting at Arts she has come on so much in both her attitude to school and also her interaction with other pupils which was only a pipe dream at her previous school. The understanding of our Childs condition from the teachers has been heart-warming for us. Our daughter is happy going to and returning from school. "

- parent of a student at ARTS Education

“The staff, Amanda, Louise, Adam and Katie have always gone above and beyond to listen to me as a parent and support my son with his SEMH.” - Arts School Survey 2023

“This School sees and supports the whole person which opens doors for amazing achievements!” - Arts School Survey 2023

“I want to convey how amazing the help and support that is provided by all of the Arts Education team. This school does not just academically educate, it provides a safe haven and the opportunity for their students to develop as a whole person which has a profound effect on their futures!” - Arts School Survey 2023

“AnnMarie from day one has been nothing more than outstanding. She has supported and listened to my concerns prior to my son starting with Arts Education and has reassured me along the way.” - Arts School Survey 2023

“Wow! Such a positive meeting with all of my daughter's teachers, they all understand how to support her emotionally and academically. We are definitely seeing positive changes at home.”- Arts School Survey 2023

“My daughter has formed good friendships and talks with fondness about all the staff.” - Arts School Survey 2023

“My daughter can be variable in what she discusses with us at home, however ultimately we know that she enjoys school and feels valued and safe. She is much more relaxed at home and that is because her needs are met so well in school.” - Arts School Survey 2023

“I always recommend Arts Education to other parents because your school setting and staff has changed both mine and my son's life for the better. My son is now happy, his SEMH has improved for the better” - Arts School Survey 2023

“We are happy with the progress our daughter is making, especially the social aspect of her development. She is such a different girl to the one we had last year and that is down to the love and support you give her! Thank you.” - Arts School Survey 2023