A Very Warm Welcome to A.R.T.S
We are a small, calm, creative Independent Specialist School for young people aged 11 to 16 with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) who find the hustle and bustle of bigger settings overwhelming. We follow a bespoke, therapeutic and nurturing approach to support pupils with a range of neuro diverse and developmental needs.

We are very passionate that the basis for achieving outstanding outcomes is founded in the relationships we forge with our young people. We are advocates for young people and live our ethos of the importance of Creating: Self worth, Opportunities and Compassion through the use of an individualised holistic approach to teaching and our curriculum.
As a result of this approach, children often develop greater confidence in their abilities while gaining crucial communication and social skills needed for a successful career in almost any field. The holistic approach is built on the theory that children can be taught in a more natural and engaging way, inspiring a love of learning that lasts.
Our school ethos is about Creating; Self Worth, Opportunities & Compassion for our students & their families, our staff, our local and wider community.

As part of hitting new Government standards in PSHE curriculum and ensuring we cover the UK's 9 protected characteristics. School Staff along with support from outside agencies such as MYA (Merseyside Youth Association) and Merseyside Community Police will continue to work throughout the year with our pupils covering the 9 protected characteristics in ways that are age and comprehension ability appropriate for our pupils.

Children and young people from 11 to 16 years old with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).
We cater for pupils with the following Neuro Diversity Development Needs:
Those who fall within the Autism Spectrum / ASD Pathway
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) / Pathway
Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH)
SEMH is a broad and varied spectrum, we are catering towards those who need support with Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) We are not a behavioural school.
Our cohort is carefully selected to ensure that the dynamics between pupils is positive and creates an environment where those who have previously struggled making friendships can work together with alike peers on their social communication needs.
We cater for pupils with the following Social Support Needs:
Students who are a Looked After Child (LAC)
Students who need support with LGBTQ+ (students experiencing identity crises, are being ostracised due to their sexuality and self-identity)
Students with Anxiety / School refusers that would benefit from a smaller personalised school setting
We have specialised experienced staff and a creative curriculum to support pupils coming to us having missed chunks of their previous education.

At ARTS we pride ourselves on our creative curriculum. Creativity will be a golden thread woven through all aspects of our full curriculum. Students will have the freedom to excel in areas for which they have passion and interest. We aim to provide an education that’s more in tune with each young person's unique individual learning style and skills.
ARTS supports learning by devising a bespoke curriculum with pupil support plans building a platform for future lifelong learning.
We have high aspirations for all our learners. All pupils will be encouraged and fully supported to be entered for a variety of GCSE qualifications.
Taking a whole-school approach to support pupil well-being, ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and trauma. All emotional pastoral support is aimed at preventing health harming behaviours and fast track sign-posting to wider agencies when needed. Our school counsellor will work with our students on their individual needs during one to one & small group sessions

Our school governors can be reached at robblackmore.governors@artseducation.co.uk and michaelsmith.governors@artseducation.co.uk