What support is out there to help me and my child prepare for their future?
When your son/daughter leaves ARTS Education, they will have some or all of the following options available to them depending on their ability, independence and supportive needs. and as part of your child's Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan we will include a focus on preparing them for adulthood, this means setting targets, no matter how small that will help your child to achieve steps towards preparing for post 16 options.
A full range of post 16 options can be found on the Knowsley Local Offer website HERE
Further education at a college or training provider to follow a study programme https://www.knowsleyinfo.co.uk/categories/further-education-colleges-send-facilities
Apprenticeship allowing the ability to 'earn as you learn' https://www.gov.uk/topic/further-education-skills/apprenticeships
Traineeship which is usually a 6 month programme made up of extended work experience working towards additional qualifications which can lead to an apprenticeship or work https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/traineeships--2
Supported Internship which are a study programme for learners with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Students will have a work placement and complete relevant qualifications at their placement https://www.knowsleycollege.ac.uk/supported-learning/supported-internship-programme/
Employment, your child may decide to look at employment https://www.knowsleyinfo.co.uk/content/leaving-education
We have included additional websites and contacts that may benefit you with any discussions with your son/daughter on what ever they wish to do.
Parents and carers guide to apprenticeships https://www.cii.co.uk/media/7231970/new_entrants_guide_to_apprenticeships.pdf
Parents and carers guide to apprenticeships https://www.apprenticeshipguide.co.uk/
Government 'find an apprenticeship' tool https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch
Local opportunities for apprenticeships http://www.indeed.co.uk/Apprenticeship-Vacancy-jobs-in-Borough-of-St.-Helens
Local opportunities for apprenticeships https://waterside-training.co.uk/apprenticeship
Search and apply for apprenticeships and graduate schemes and jobs https://careermap.co.uk
Resources for young people to explore careers https://successatschool.org
Resource for parents and carers with a child considering career options www.parentalguidance.org.uk and https://www.notgoingtouni.co.uk
SEN resource for careers https://contact.org.uk/advice-and-support/education-learning/education-beyond-16/
Careers advice from the BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/careers
Advice for parents and carers to help with preparing their child for adulthood https://www.ndti.org.uk/projects/preparing-for-adulthood
To contact a qualified Careers Advisor via text / phone or webchat to discuss careers, courses and finding a job https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk
Knowsley’s local offer website provides information for children and young people up to the age of 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) their parents or carers – all in one place. Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and control over what support is right for you or your child. You can also contact the Sefton Knowsley SEN department on 0151 443 5145 http://www.knowsleyinfo.co.uk/categories/knowsley-local-offer
Children and young people with SEND and their families may be entitled to additional financial support. The government offers advice on financial help for young people on the Learner Support Helpline (0800 121 8989)
ARTS Education
167A Ormskirk Road
St Helens
WA11 8HR
TEL : 07749846945
School Office Number : 01744 638948
EMAIL : info@artseducation.co.uk